Everyone should keep their health in order to have physically and spiritually strong and healthy, so it can go through life and the life. One of the things that become a factor damaging the physical and spiritual health is smoking.
Cigarette paper itself is a cylinder of a length of between 70 to 120 mm (varies depending on country) with a diameter of 10 mm containing tobacco leaves that have been chopped.
Smoking habits for students started due to lack of information and misunderstanding of information, advertising or persuaded timeless seduction friends. Retrieved from Indonesian Heart Foundation poll result as much as 77% of the student smoking because it offered a friend.
In outline, smoking may be harmful to your health. Based on the research physician, smoking various types of losses, namely:
First, cigarette smoke can stimulate the cough causing airway narrowing which lasted between 30-40 minutes. Cigarette smoke can also paralyze the cleaning equipment in the airway that causes shortness of breath. In addition, toxic materials from tobacco smoke is absorbed by the blood enters the entire body, causing dizziness and headaches and akirnya cause of cancer blood cancer, brain cancer, skin cancer.
Second, Outbreaks of heart disease or heart abnormalities.
Third, the emergence of spots in the lungs resulted in lung cavities, and causing production of excessive mucus in the airways resulting in lung function disorder is potentially settled danpenyempitan respiratory tract with symptoms of shortness of breath
And, of kidney disease due to non-functioning kidney.
In addition, several steps need to be done by the government, both the handling of the zone of active and passive smokers. These steps can be taken with:
(1) create and insert dangers of smoking materials in the curriculum at primary and secondary schools, schools of medicine or paramedical schools;
(2) make the activities that support antirokok and dangers of smoking at school age.
(3) raise awareness about the dangers of smoking, cigarette addiction, socio-economic impacts caused by cigarettes in public, especially children and adolescents.
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